California Poppies in Santa Cruz Mountains

Full List of Publications: Google Scholar


New Publications!

Anderegg LDL. 2023. Why can’t we predict traits from the environment? New Phytologist 237: 1998–2004.

Pellegrini AFA, Anderegg L, Pinto-Ledezma JN, Cavender-Bares J, Hobbie SE, Reich PB. 2023. Consistent physiological, ecological and evolutionary effects of fire regime on conservative leaf economics strategies in plant communities. Ecology Letters 26: 597–608.

Quetin GR, Anderegg LDL, Konings AG, Trugman AT. 2022. Quantifying the global power needed for sap ascent in plants. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences online:

Kerr KL, Anderegg LDL, Zenes N, Anderegg WRL. 2022. Quantifying within-species trait variation in space and time reveals limits to trait-mediated drought response. Functional Ecology (published online) Data:

Anderegg LDL, Griffith DM, Cavender-Bares J, Riley WJ, Berry JA, Dawson TE, Still CJ. 2022. Representing plant diversity in land models: An evolutionary approach to make “Functional Types” more functional. Global Change Biology 28: 2541–2554.



A sample of recent publications that illustrate the interests of the Landscape Physiology Lab:

Anderegg LDL, Loy X, Markham IP, Elmer CM, Hovenden MJ, Hillerislambers J, Mayfield MM. 2021. Aridity drives coordinated trait shifts but not decreased trait variance across the geographic range of eight Australian trees. New Phytologist 15: 343. Data: Code:

Trugman AT*, Anderegg LDL*, Anderegg WRL, Das AJ, Stephenson NL. 2021. Why is Tree Drought Mortality so Hard to Predict? Trends in Ecology & Evolution: S0169534721000355.  * these authors contributed equally

Trugman AT, Anderegg LD, Shaw JD, Anderegg WR (2020) Trait velocities reveal that mortality has drivenwidespread coordinated shifts in foresthydraulic trait composition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 1–7.

Badgley GM*, Anderegg LDL*, Field CB, Berry JA. (2019) An ecologically-based approach to terrestrial primary productivity. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14729
Open Access Link:
* these authors contributed equally

Anderegg LDL & HilleRisLamber J. (2019) Local range boundaries versus large-scale tradeoffs: Climatic and competitive constraints on tree growth. Ecology Letters. 22:787-796.
Open Access Link:
Data and code:

Trugman A, Anderegg LDL, Wolfe BT, Birmi B, Ruehr NK, Detto M, Bartlett MK, Anderegg WRL. (2019) Climate and plant trait strategies determine tree carbon allocation to leaves and mediate future forest productivity. Global Change Biology.
Open Access Link:

Brodrick P, Anderegg LDL, Asner GA. (2019) Forest drought resistance at large geographic scales. Geophysical Research Letters.
Open Access Link:
Data and code (including CWC layers for California):

Anderegg LDL, Berner L, Badgley G, Sethi ML, Law BE, HilleRisLambers J. (2018) Within-species patterns challenge our understanding of the Leaf Economics Spectrum. Ecology Letters. 21:734-744 http://doi: 10.1111/ele.12945.
Open Access Link:
Data and Code: